Homepage of Grégoire Sergeant-Perthuis

Syco12 I am an Associate Professor at the LCQB which is part of the Computer Science department of Sorbonne Université, and also a collaborator of the Inria team Ouragan. I work at the intersection of geometry and machine learning, with as main focus computational biology.

I studied at Ecole Normale Supérieure and at the University of Cambridge in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics. I did a PhD in Mathematics at Université Paris Cité under the supervision of Daniel Bennequin (Full text, Slides of Defence). I continued as a postdoc at Université de Genève (CISA, with David Rudrauf), then at Université d'Artois and Median Technologies (LML and iBiopsy, with Yael Frégier and Pierre Baudot) and at INRIA Paris (team Ouragan with Elias Tsigaridas).

Email: gregoireserper[a.t]gmail[d.o.t]com, CV, Google Scholar, Researchgate.